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Buy HJH REAL Token


Buy HJH REAL Token

Welcome to our guide on how to buy HJH REAL ($HJHREAL). If you already have a crypto wallet like MetaMask or Trust Wallet, you can link your wallet to the DEX below or head on over to Uniswap and purchase $HJHREAL.

Want to buy $HJHREAL using a credit card or PayPal?

Read below for a step by step guide on how to set up either a MetaMask or Trust Wallet, purchase Ethereum, and swap it to $HJHREAL

Getting Started with a Metamask wallet

MetaMask is a web browser extension and mobile app that allows you to manage your Ethereum private keys. By doing so, it serves as a wallet for Ether and other tokens.

  1. Log in to your Coinbase account

  2. Click on the “Portfolio” tab

  3. Then click on the ‘USD’ or your native currency, and you will see the option to ‘Deposit’

  4. Follow the prompts to link your bank account or debit card

  5. Once linked, you can deposit funds from your bank account to your Coinbase account. The deposit process may take some time depending on your bank.

Click this link to enable your wallet to show you your ERC-20 tokens for Meta Mask.

  1. If you cannot find the HJH Real token when you click the Tokens tab on the home screen, then you need to add the token manually. 

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the Tokens and click Import Tokens. Select Custom Token.

  3. Enter the token address 0xd2320df6602B5D0BAEA496d2697291a2264150A4

  4. The Token Symbol and the Decimal fields should autofill. 

  5. Then select Import. HJHREAL should be added at the bottom of your Token list.

Congratulations, you have successfully purchased $HJHREAL!

Getting Started with a Trust wallet

Trust Wallet is a secure, decentralized, self-custody, multi-chain crypto wallet that enables you to manage and securely store over 10M digital assets.

  1. Upon first launch of the app, you will be presented with the screen below which is the part where you can “Create a New Wallet” 

  2. Accept Terms of Usage. Simply put a check mark at the box then press on Continue.. Warning! If you agree to the terms of usage please be aware that, losing your recovery phrases will also mean that you lose access to your wallet.

  3. Save your Recovery Phrase. You need to take note of your recovery seed phrases and make sure to keep them in a safe place. Tap on Continue to proceed.

  4. Verify your Recovery Phrase in the correct order to complete the verification process. Click Continue when you are finished.

  5. Wallet is Ready. After going through the backup and verification process you will be redirected to the main wallet screen. You will see an initial list of coins that you can start funding right away.

  6. Click this link for additional information to set up your wallet.

  • Open Trust Wallet and select the Buy button.

  • Choose the crypto you want to buy. For example, Ethereum.

  • Select the Third Party Provider, select the Next button and then follow the steps to complete the purchase.

  • Use this link for more information on how to purchase ETH with Trust Wallet.

To enable ERC-20 tokens for Trust Wallet.

If you can not find the HJH Real token in your wallet when you click your coins tab on the home screen then scroll to the bottom and find the Add Tokens button.

Search HJH Real. Click Add Custom Token.
Network: Ethereum 
Paste Contract Address: 0xd2320df6602B5D0BAEA496d2697291a2264150A4
Symbol: HJHREAL 
Decimals: 18

Select Save. You should see HJHREAL added at the bottom of your Coins list.

Congratulations, you have successfully purchased $HJHREAL!

Using our Dex

  1. Scroll to the top of the page and press connect your wallet. Choose either Meta Mask or Trust Wallet. 

  2. Under You Pay choose ETH and enter the amount of ETH you want to swap for $HJHREAL. Make sure you have enough ETH to cover not only the amount you want to swap but also the gas fees for the transaction. Gas fees can fluctuate significantly depending on the network load, so factor this into your calculations.

  3. Under You Receive choose HJH REAL the amount of $HJHREAL token you receive will auto populate. Once the amount is correct press BUY. 

  4. The $HJHREAL will be deposited into your Wallet.